How Much Did a Baby Weigh in the 10 Hundreds What Day Did Quakers Start

English Quakers Tour Kansas in 1858

From the Journal of Sarah Lindsey

edited past Sheldon Jackson

February 1944 (Vol. 13 No. ane), pages 36 to 52.
Transcribed past lhn; digitized with permission of the
Kansas Land Historical Society.

Kansas Historical Quarterly, February 1944 I. INTRODUCTION

THE first recorded visit of Friends to the territory now comprising the land of Kansas was that of Henry Harvey, Simon Hadley and Solomon Haddon in 1833. Their purpose was to investigate the possibility of opening a mission among the Shawnee Indians in their new Western home. The mission was established in present Kansas, a short distance southwest of Westport Landing, in 1837. Information technology operated until afterward the opening of Kansas for settlement, closing permanently in 1870. [1]

Quaker families began to enter the territory following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854, the first ones coming to Dragoon creek and to the vicinities of Shawnee Friends Mission, Leavenworth and the nowadays urban center of Osawatomie. They tended to settle in groups or colonies, of which Springdale (near Leavenworth), Spring Grove (virtually Osawatomie), and Cottonwood (near Emporia) were the largest. Smaller settlements grew up about the Shawnee Friends Mission and at Le Roy. Past the end of the twelvemonth 1857 near 200 had come to these settlements.

The settlers early began to meet in individual homes on each first day [2] forenoon, later adding 4th twenty-four hour period morning time services. The meetings were usually silent throughout, for no Friends minister had all the same emigrated to Kansas territory. Interruptions to their routine were frequent during the border-ruffian conflicts of 1855-1856 and the Friends doctrine of non- resistance received some astringent trials. The danger at times became and then great that some families would drive to the Shawnee Friends Mission for refuge, or cantankerous into Missouri, until the immediate threat was by.

In March, 1858, these isolated groups were greatly encouraged by the welcomed visit of 2 itinerant English language ministers, Robert and Sarah Lindsey. Typical of the traveling ministers amongst Quakers



of the nineteenth century, these were a source of strength to the social club. Robert Lindsey [3] had begun his ministry building in 1844, visiting Friends in neighboring communities to his home town in England. Two years afterwards he informed his monthly meeting [4] of his "business" [five] to visit the Friends meetings in Ireland, for which service he was "liberated," and was absent from home 3 months. When he returned he found that Benjamin Seebohm was soon to brand a religious visit to N America, whereupon they decided to brand the journey together. In October, 1846, Lindsey and Seebohm sailed from Liverpool. The extensive bout of Friends in North America which followed occupied iv years and eight months. During this flow, he wrote, they "traveled on the American continent past land and past water 32,373 miles, two-thirds at to the lowest degree of that distance in our own private conveyance. . . . The rest . . . was performed past steamboat, railroad cars, [and] public phase." They "attended in that time 966 Meetings for Worship." [6] Kansas was not included in this bout, withal, for it was not yet opened for settlement and the only Friends there were the missionaries at the Shawnee Friends Mission.

Inappreciably had the two returned to England in 1851 when Robert again felt called to get, this time to Australia, with Frederic Mackie as companion. In the grade of this journey he was absent from home three and half years and traveled through New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.

After spending a year and a half at home, he again felt it his duty to visit foreign lands. This fourth dimension his married woman accompanied him, and they were given a "infinitesimal" [seven] to visit "all the isolated families of Friends in the earth." They set out in 1857 on this aggressive undertaking, and spent two years in visiting the United states, Canada, and Nova Scotia. It was in the course of this journey that they visited the


scattered settlements of Friends in Kansas, enduring "many privations and rough accommodations." They were in Kansas in Mare and April, in Iowa in April and May, and and so on into the North and East. In June, 1859, they heft New York for California, going to the Isthmus of Panama by sea, crossing the Isthmus past runway, an continuing upward the coast by boat. They spent considerable fourth dimension o the West coast, preparing the manner for the institution of the first Friends meetings in that area. Hawaii, Australia, Tasmania, and South Africa were too visited earlier they returned to England from this last journey in July, 1861. [8]

Robert Lindsey kept a careful record in his diaries until the terminal journeying, on which Mrs. Lindsey wrote the diary. The diary itself is preserved in the Devonshire House Library in London. There is an excellent manuscript copy of information technology in the Quaker collection of the Haverford College Library, and it is from this manuscript copy that the selections were taken which are hither reproduced. [nine]

After landing at New Orleans, the couple had an eventful journey by river steamer up the Mississippi to St. Louis. The portion of the diary here printed begins with their difference from St. Louis March 17, 1858. Sarah Lindsey's business relationship of the trip upward the Missouri rive from St. Louis to Kansas Urban center is an illustration of the vicissitude of traveling this nearly popular of the routes into Kansas in those years. In their x-mile trip from the landing at Kansas City to the Shawnee Friends Mission they got their first taste of frontier high prices and speculation-a charge of v dollars for the last six miles.

The Indians at the mission interested them, especially the severs. who attended the first day meeting. Leaving the mission on March 22, they set up out for the Springdale settlement, about thirty miles north, with Caleb Harvey and his wife. The road was new to them all and they were repeatedly host, then that information technology took them over fourteen hours to make the thirty-mile journey. They finally arrived at the house of Wm. Coffin, still, and held a meeting on the 24th in the meeting house with forty present. Benajah Hiatt here offered to convey them to the other settlements of Friends in Kansas in his covered wagon. Thus equipped they proceeded to Jump Grove, and so across the high prairie to Le Roy and up the Neosho river to the Cottonwood settlement. Thomas Stanley'south residence (near the present town of Americus) and Henry Harvey's home on Dragoon


creek were stops on the fashion back to the mission. Having completed their tour,Sarah would accept been glad to heave Kansas, but Robert had go increasingly concerned about a hack of unity betwixt some of the members in the Cottonwood settlement. Returning to Emporia, they were able to relieve the situation in a conference. This completed their work in Kansas. They retraced their journeying . to the Friends mission and were driven to Kansas City by Caleb Harvey, having been in the territory near four weeks.

It is interesting to note the reactions of these English visitors to the crude frontier conditions. Having been used to the comforts of their English dwelling they were appalled by the inadequate housing, lack of furniture, and rough life in these settlements. This did non deter them from the object of their visit, even so, and their ministry was a great approval to those pioneers who had just gone through the trying slavery controversies and were indelible the pioneer hardships in their isolated homes. Benajah Hiatt states that their ministry building was prophetic and inspiring, resulting in many conversions. He relates that most of the meetings were held in groves of trees, the entire customs, both Friends and others, coming to hear the English language visitors. [10]

Soon after the Lindseys' visit, permanent meetings were established amidst these groups, and others sprang upwardly every bit more settlers came in. Kansas Quakers were granted a yearly meeting of their own in 1872, with two,620 members. Subsequent increase has made it one of the larger yearly meetings of America, with a membership of viii,610 and headquarters in Wichita.


18th 3 mo. [1858] Left St. Louis at 3 p. m. yesterday on our way to Kansas. Proceeded 125 miles past rail to Jefferson City, & from thence past steam gunkhole upwards the Missouri river about 325 miles In usual grade we should have arrived at Jefferson City at 9 o'clock the aforementioned evening, but after proceeding most 16 miles the trails stopped and the passengers were informed that in that location was an obstruction in the way, & we were desired to heave the railroad vehicle and walk about 1/2 a mile over a loma thro' which there was a tunnel. And then taking our light luggage along with us we ascended the rugged & stony colina, partly through the mud where at that place was no road; and the descent was very steep. On regaining the railway we found ourselves at the further finish of the tunnel where a quantity of stone & earth had


fallen. The heavy luggage was carried over the hill on men'due south shoulders, and a number of workmen were employed in removing the obstruction, but some of the stones were and so large that they had to blaster them with gunpowder. We walked a short distance to the next station where nosotros waited several hours until the railroad train arrived from Jefferson City on its fashion to St. Louis, when the passengers left the train to walk over the hill equally we had done, & we took their seats and proceeded on our way, simply owing to the engine beingness behind, instead of at the front of the train, nosotros got forth very slowly: and missed getting our afternoon repast, except a lilliputian fruit pie at 11 p. m. After traveling all night about 4 a. m. we breakfasted at a small station and after proceeding a little farther we met with a second detention from another autumn of globe. The line of railway runs shut by and parallel with the Missouri river, while high rocks, and virtually perpendicular bluffs rise from the other side. From various detentions we lost about fourteen hours, and did not reach Jefferson City until 11 o'clock this morning. The steam gunkhole was waiting for the train, and we were rapidly on board, & sailing up the river. The scenery on our correct hand is bold & rocky; on the left the land is flat and mostly covered with a small-scale growth of wood trees. We had an abundant supply of good & well cooked provisions set upon the table with much gustatory modality. The water of the Missouri is very muddied & yellow, yet it is used for all purposes on lath the boats.

20th. iii mo. Yesterday we passed Miami & Brunswick, minor villages: the twenty-four hour period was oppressively hot but in the evening the wind arose, and we had a heavy storm, of thunder, lightning, & rain, during which our boat was put close to the shore, where we remained several hours until the storm abated. Great care is required to steer clear of sandbanks, & bully numbers of copse are washed from the shore and carried down by the stream until they become fixed in the sand, some with the roots downward and the body standing above the surface of the water: and it is dangerous to get amid the snags as they are chosen. We encounter numbers of wild geese of dark feather on the sand banks & along the shore; they ascension & fly in the air, seeming to savor their unbounded liberty.

21st. 3 mo. Starting time twenty-four hours morning. At the Friends Mission for the Shawnese Indians in Kansas. About v o'clock yesterday afternoon nosotros arrived at Kansas City on the borders of the Missouri & Kansas states. This place has only been open for white settlers most 2 years, [11] but the Friends Mission has been established much longer


and occupies many acres of rising ground. The Metropolis is rapidly increasing, and contains many good stores & houses built of brick. We proceeded 4 miles by a stage coach; but every bit the Mission was 6 miles further, & the sunday almost setting, we seemed obliged to pay the driver 5 dollars equally the smallest sum he would convey usa for. We soon crossed the boundary line & entered the country [territory] of Kansas, where prairie country opened before us-a deep black soil carpeted with grass. On reaching the Mission we were kindly welcomed past the Superintendant Simon Harvey, who with his wife & girl; a young man Caleb Harvey &his wife-the former of whom has charge of the farm, a female teacher, & a domestic assistant forms their staff. During the wintertime 24 Indian children were boarded & taught complimentary, only owing to an epidemic but ten remain in the school at nowadays.

23rd. 3 mo. Third twenty-four hour period. On first day nosotros attended the coming together which is held in the schoolroom when nosotros had the company of several Indians who were civilized and well dressed; two of the men & one of the wives dined with u.s., the men spoke good English.

During the late disturbances in Kansas two years agone, the Mission friends were threatened with disturbance from the pro slavery party: the school was discontinued for some time and the premises left in charge of a human & his wife. [12] The friends were much discouraged on their return to find things much out of order and no crops to meet the wants of the family, but their prospects have at present brightened.

Nosotros left Missouri [the Mission?] yesterday accompanied by C. Harvey & his wife to visit a settlement of friends on Strangers creek 11 miles Due south. West. of Levensworth City. Our conveyance was an open up wagon: all of us existence strangers to the road we had to brand frequent inquiries. Crossed the Kansas river on a flat owned by a respectable Indian who was well dressed & spoke pretty good Eng


lish: understanding that some of his children could read we gave him some small-scale books. His dwelling was a proficient frame house, and he owned 800 acres of land,some of which he pointed out lying along the banks of the river. He seemed under discouragement, remarking "White men fight." On enquiry nosotros found that about ii months agone ane of his brothers found some white men cut downward timber upon his land, & on going to expostulate with them, i of the party shot & killed him. The murderer escaped, but some others were caught & imprisoned.

The Kansas river is the boundary line between the Kansas & Shawnee Indians. There are at present 850 of the former tribe & 900 of the latter. We are now on the Delaware lands which extend xl miles in length & 10 in breadth. Passed a Mission [xiii] for the Indians, & traveled many miles of prairie land without seeing either man, creature, or house. The prairies are at present covered with withered grass, which is burnt off in spring & we saw some on burn. In this country [territory] the Indians hold 200 acres of land each: i. e. if a man has a wife & iv children the family have 1200 acres but in general they but cultivate a picayune for their own support, and the residuum lies waste, making fine hunting grounds. [14]

In crossing an unbroken prairie, several miles in extent, & not knowing which mode to proceed, nosotros came to a stand, and at a altitude observed 3 Indians mounted on horseback coming towards the states; on their advance the party seemed to consist of a man & his wife & 2 children; the woman had a yellowish handkerchief jump round her temples, & a long yellow scarf round her neck, with a ruby blanket over her shoulders, enclosing a infant upon her knee joint: diverse ornaments hung from her saddle, and altogether she had quite an imposing advent. On one of the human being'southward boots I observed a large spur, the stirrups were made of woods, & covered with leather which came upwardly to the ankle. The Indian was well dressed & tried to give us some data about our journey. After proceeding some miles we became uneasy, thinking we were going in the wrong direction, and on coming to a cross road contradistinct our runway. There are numerous natural roads over the prairies, and we often meet Indian trails where they ride on horseback two or three abreast, & the roads having been washed with rain appear like deep furrows. At length we were cheered by the sight of a house, and a man directed


u.s. to Captain Wolfe's for information. Here nosotros found expert farm buildings, and a respectable looking family, obviously consisting of 3 generations. As nosotros sat waiting in the carriage the captain, a fine looking man, came from the woods accompanied by several men with an ox squad. The Indians are mostly shy & retiring, some young women were peeping at us in the groundwork, & finding that some of them could read, we left books. We got some data respecting the state of affairs of the locality of our friends, but were nevertheless at a loss as to the point to aim at. Subsequently existence on the road fourteen hours, when within 4 miles of our identify of destination we fouled a homo who knew some of our friends and their settlement, so we hired him as guide to Strangers creek, which we forded & in a short fourth dimension reached the house of Wm. Bury, [15] which was only 30 miles from the Friends Mission. Wm. Coffin is a son of our worthy friend Elijah Coffin of Richmond, Indiana; he has been here 4 years & is notwithstanding living in a small log cabin.

fourth. 3 mo. Fourth day. Had a meeting with the friends settled in the locality in a log edifice, used both as a meeting firm & schoolhouse room. [16] About 40 persons, including children, were present: the Lord was mercifully pleased to own united states, and my dearest husband ministered to united states, commencing with the text: "A homo's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth ;" "Godliness with contentment is great proceeds." And the watchword to some seemed to be, "If riches increase, set up not your eye upon them." Counsel & caution followed, and we had a favored fourth dimension together.

Dined at Benajah Hyatt's [Hiatt] whose wife is Sarah Coffin's sister. In the evening rode a few miles to the habitation of Henry Worthington, a log motel of one room 12 anxiety foursquare. This friend who has a wife & 5 children came here from Philadelphia well-nigh half-dozen Mo. ago. They had been used to the comforts & refinements of good society; but being unfortunate in business organization, they had taken land come up out here. We were much interested in seeing them all trying


to exercise what they could in their humble cot; a little corner was shielded off where we slept, the rest of the family sleeping in beds in the same room.

26th. eight mo. Yesterday morning H. W. drove u.s. in his ox team to the house of Thomas Newby, a distance of half dozen miles a long & weary drive occupying about 3 hours, & we crossed several ravines. Found our friend, with his wife & 2 small children living in a rude log hut. We spent a few hours in social antipodal, and had a little spiritual refreshment to paw them. On our return called to see James Wilson & wife, an interesting young couple with whom we had an interesting opportunity. Subsequently a parting opportunity with our host & his wife, accompanied past our truly kind friend, Benajah Hiatt, we set out in a covered carriage to visit the other settlements of our friends in this state [territory]. The little visitor at Strangers creek suffered much during the late disturbances; the pro-slavery party stopping supplies of nutrient. When steamboats reached Leavenworth City from the complimentary states, they were oft plundered of their stores, & goods &c. sent back. And supplies coming from the settlers were seized to feed the soldiers of the pro-slavery men, and altho' thus circumstanced, it was perilous to exit their homes. Some of the families removed for a fourth dimension, & several of their horses were stolen. Leavenworth City is erected on the banks of the Missouri river about 11 miles from our friends location on Stranger'southward creek. 3 years ago this site which has been called for the metropolis, was overgrown with high bushes, but now many good wholesale & retail stores have been erected, and comfortable houses, with a population of 9,000 persons. The neighbouring settlers here find a ready market place for their produce.

Some of the starting time settlers in the country gave only 21/2 dollars pr. acre for their land which is well situated, with a good supply of timber & water. The bluffs abound with good stone; limestone is abundant; & there is plenty of wild fruit, consisting of gooseberries, plums, grapes, &c., &c. There is a constant stream of fresh air on the prairies, & the friends take wisely chosen sites for their cabins on the open up ground instead of amidst the trees & creeks in the valleys, where chill & fever ofttimes prevail. Simply to continue with our journey. Passing thro' the Delaware Indians reservation, we rode nearly 12 miles over the open prairie without passing a single house; the get-go nosotros came to was a good new frame firm belonging to an Indian main, and was used as an hotel. Some of the best houses we come across here are two stories high & vest to the Indians. They by and large locate themselves on the margin of rivers & creeks, beside


the woods. As we rode along, the horses gave a sudden start & turned on one side; when the driver told us he had checked them on observing a rattlesnake in our path, coiled up & ready to strike. We all alighted, & on looking back observed the reptile with caput erect, only our driver soon killed him with his whip & took the rattle from his tail. It is well that the rattle is set in motion & heard in time to avoid being struck by these venomous creatures. His colour was a' light brownish, and his length about ii feet. At that place is a plant called the rattlesnake'southward primary, which grows abundantly on the prairies which, when applied, takes the venom from the bite, hot stimulants being taken at the same time.

During the day we forded two rivers, the Ottawa, & Osage. As the mean solar day closed we came in sight of a firm, & fabricated our way to it, to ask for lodgings; but finding but a company of men, we were directed to another house at some distance which we found to exist a big cabin inhabited by a large family unit of respectable persons. Being told that they had other company & could merely admit us on the condition of occupying beds upon the floor, we were discouraged merely equally the side by side business firm was some miles farther we tried to experience thankful that we had a shelter over our heads. Supper was prepared for u.s., and on wishing to retire, how thankful we were that without any contrivance of our own, my dear R. Fifty. & cocky were shown to a practiced bed with curtains, the human being & his wife occupied another bed in the same room; our friend had a bed laid upon the floor, and the other inmates occupied a loft.

28th 8 mo. First day. Yesterday nosotros found the prairies more than level with high bluffs, & stones were abundant, and nosotros passed numerous creeks enriched past thick belts of trees. Part of our route lay over the Ottawa Indian reservation, and as usual establish them living on the banks of a creek. In general they are not addicted of work, but similar to hire white men to work for them. They receive annuities from the government for land which has been sold which makes them feel independent, but some of them begin to re-create from the white man & subcontract their land better.

Made virtually 35 miles during the day, crossing Eye creek, & the Pottawattnia [Pottawatomie]. Nosotros met with a kind welcome from Simon Jones & family who alive well-nigh Osawattami [Osawatomie]. Eleven families of friends are located around here, some of which are numerous; at that place are 59 members including children. For old a meeting for worship has been held at one or another of their houses which is ofttimes attended by some of their neighbours.


This morning time the meeting was held out of doors, and an awning put upward to shelter us from the wind, planks were arranged for seats, and well-nigh 100 persons were nowadays. The canopy of divine beloved was felt to spread over united states, and ability was afforded to preach the gospel of life & salvation. After meeting nosotros dined at David Mendenalls, [17] and returned to S. Jones in the evening where we were nigh affectionately waited on by his children whose greatest pleasure seemed to be anticipating our wants. This family removed here from North. Carolina viii months ago; their farm consists of 160 acres for which they paid 500 dollars. In the evening we had a meeting with the family which cleared the way for our departure.

30th 3 mo. Rode over apartment prairies yesterday, bounded by long depression bluffs. Passed thro' the boondocks of Hyatt, which consists of two houses. Some other houses & improved farms lay on our fashion. We rode twenty miles, and simply passed i home house. Crossed the Pottawattania creek at Greely, a small-scale town consisting of a few huts. Sometimes as far as the eye could attain nosotros could see neither house nor tree. Virtually of the creeks accept high banks. simply some of them are nearly dry now, which is much to our reward. In summer numerous buffaloes cross the plains & there are many wild deer, but we just observed a solitary wolf at a distance.

The natural roads over the prairies are generally very good, just some are rather indistinct, sometimes a furrow is ploughed upward to skew the track. Information technology was nearly dark before we came in sight of a house, and found shelter under the roof of a settler named Pearson who nosotros constitute was born a member of our guild, but did not retain his membership. Two families of friends reside at Le Roy where we had a meeting the following 24-hour interval at the house of R. Davis, who has a married woman & one child. Their dwelling is made of rough logs laid one upon some other without the interstices existence closed; at that place is no window just an opening for a door, tho' it is only an opening, the floor is nature'south roofing & very uneven from the projecting roots of trees: and at that place is a recess for a burn down place, but no chimney. The article of furniture consists of two beds, two chairs, a few boxes, & mirror, &c., &c. A number of chairs were brought from the neighbours and here in the midst of the woods 15 persons assembled for the purpose of divine worship. The Lord owned usa in our alone situation, and counsel & encouragement to some present were given, prayer was likewise offered for their preservation.


Dinner was prepared for us at a neighbour'south house later which we rode 15 miles to Hampden, part of the mode lying along what is called Neosia [Neosho river] bottoms, depression wet land. On arriving at the village, nosotros were received into the house of Perry Mills, who has a wife and a big family.

1st 4 mo. We have had a coming together in a schoolhouse house, 26 persons present, and my R. L. addressed us from the text: "All scripture is given past inspiration from God, and is profitable for reproof, correction, doctrine, &c."

The frequent reading of these records was encouraged, and the nature of true worship & prayer described, & the divergence shown between those prayers which were conceived in the heart and those which were simply uttered in a formal way past the lips. Perry Mills suffered much during the late political disturbances, existence twice taken prisoner while going about his lawful concern. The ruffians fabricated preparation & were intending to hang him, had it non been for the interference of another man who knew him. A considerable number of his cattle were taken away, besides provisions stores which were for sale. These things reduced their means very much. Their business firm containing ii rooms is a very humble abode, merely we were lodged & treated with cracking hospitality. P. Grand. is a very energetic man, and we hope he will presently be able to overcome his present depressing circumstances. Our adjacent stage was to Emporia, afar 35 miles. Part of the road was thro' fine rich prairie land, passing the little boondocks of Autumia [Ottumwa?] situated on rising ground. The last 10 miles was a flat lonely district and we but passed a single house. Night airtight upon united states, and information technology appeared as if nosotros should take to remain in the carriage all night upon the open "manifestly, only at a distance at last were cheered past seeing a light which proved to exist only a shop. However we were directed to a house at a little distance, only establish information technology newly built & in a very unfinished condition, & the homo said they were non prepared to accommodate us; merely we were admitted under the roof, and we plant two rooms without windows, and we had to sleep close by a large opening thro' which nosotros had abundance of damp air from the river close by the firm; but by putting upwards a screen nosotros did not suffer from the exposure.

Next morning we crossed the Neosha river and came to Emporia, but found two of the friends houses locked up, and had to drive 2 or 3 miles further before reaching 2 other families who were living n log cabins. One family consisted of a human & his wife and 8


children, several of whom were grown upwardly. A meeting was occasionally held in one of their houses; and arrangements were made for a meeting. On returning to Emporia nosotros found a decent inn where we took up our quarters, and were glad to have a little quiet; and esteemed information technology a great favor to having a lodging room to ourselves.

2nd 4 mo. Attended the appointed meeting at Curtis Hyatt'southward, Cottonwood creek on Neosia river where nigh xxx members of our society met the states, including children; several of the neighbours were nowadays & there seemed to exist slap-up openness in speaking of those things which apertain to our present & eternal welfare. At my beloved married man'southward request the friends remained after the meeting, when he had a more private opportunity of expressing his feelings of Christian interest on their behalf. Information technology seemed that some of them were but little known to each other. Dined at Andrew Henshaw's, where we met with Thomas Stanley [18] who gave usa directions to his business firm where we had fixed to get the following twenty-four hours. Having endeavored to draw the scattered members of our society in these parts together, and my R. L. feeling his mind relieved, nosotros have much enjoyed a leisure afternoon, spent in writing in our lilliputian private bedroom.

fourth 4 mo. Showtime twenty-four hour period. At Thomas Stanley'due south 8 miles from Emporia. This individual along with his wife & children are living in a temporary one roomed house the walls of which are of rough boards driven into the footing. T. Southward. has interested himself a skilful deal almost the Caw Indians, and is now pending the decision, respecting the settlement of land to which this tribe of Indians are supposed to have a merits, but which is disputed past some of the white settlers. This tribe moves about, & lives in tents, being but partly civilized, only they wish T. Stanley to open a mission for them. Our friends gave us the best lodging their fragile house afforded. The air current has been loftier during the dark.

5th 4 mo. The night was cold & frosty, & owing to the numerous chinks in the walls & roof, it seemed likely that we should suffer from such an unusual stream of fresh air, but we do not seem to accept taken common cold from the exposure. Held a meeting in a new firm where we had the company of the neighbours; the room was well filled & the Lord was near strengthening for service. Left afterward dinner, T. Stanley accompanying us, to a creek called 142, where we lodged. In the bulldoze we ran over a rattlesnake & partly killed,


our friends alighting to complete its devastation. Next day nosotros proceeded to Henry Harvey's, who has been interested, and spent much time & labor on behalf of the Indians. He lives on Drago[o]n creek, [19] only we were lamentable to find he was not at home, but were kindly cared for by his wife, a delicate woman, & his sons.

The twenty-four hour period has been very cold, windy, & wet,and we were glad to find a shelter, merely sorry to encounter the family of such a self sacrificing friend living in such an apprehensive dwelling with so few of the comforts of life.

sixth 4 mo. On the 6th rode 40 miles to Bloomington, having had a coming together with the dissimilar branches of C. Harvey's family the preceding evening. Lodged at Edwin Stokes' who had a birthright in our guild & his blood brother is notwithstanding a member. Chosen to encounter Shubal Sevain, who had an blow lately & lost several fingers from his left hand; and he is now bars to bed with a broken leg. He has a wife & several children; we had a religious opportunity with the family. Had an appointed meeting in a school firm. My dear married man had good service in the ministry, dwelling specially on the Amende; the knee was afterwards bowed in prayer. At the close of the coming together a man arose, & requested exit to ask a few questions; but my R. L. replied that having fulfilled his mission he did not wish to be detained. Nosotros had heard that some noted infidels were in the neighbourhood and he proved to exist the leader amongst them. Altho' there are 25 friends settled around, they are non in the practise of meeting together for Divine worship.

16th 4 mo. Kansas City, Missouri. I trust our visit to Bloomington may have been useful to some who now seem resolved to begin the reasonable and needful duty of holding religious meetings. Surely we require the pure mind stirring up, or we may become into the lukewarm & benumbed condition. Great is the loss which some persons sustain by going into isolated situations where organized religion is at a low ebb. Taking leave of our kind friends, the Stokes family, nosotros forded the river, & drove virtually [20] miles partly thro' the Shawnese reservation, to the firm of Henry Wilson who has a wife & 4 children. He had been in the utilise of a respectable Indian named Charles Fish, simply is now renting some state from him, & is living in a log cabin belonging to some of C. Fish'southward family.[8th 4 me.] On 5th day the 8th had a meeting in our friends cabin where Levi Wood ward, wife & kid came to run into usa. An Indian named Pascal Fish,


with his wife & son too gave us their company. The Wing of Divine Goodness was felt to spread over usa, and nosotros had an interesting flavour, wherein counsel & close things were spoken to some present. Prayer was also offered. On separating the Indian seemed to regret that we had not taken up our quarters at his business firm, as he had room &c., and could have institute food for ourselves, and corn for our horses: he requested that nosotros would pray for them.

The Indians were well dressed, & the human being spoke skilful English. In the afternoon rode to the boondocks of Lawrence. Every bit we had now visited the unlike settlements of our friends in Kansas, we should have been glad to exit the state [territory], but my dear R. L. did not feel his heed relieved in regard to the friends in Emporia, between some of whom there was a want of unity, and then we returned to that place, altho it caused us ii days journeying. Lodged at the house of Milton Chamness, after which in that location was a conference between the parties referred to, which ended to satisfaction.

We called to see Jonathan Wheeler's family unit; he has a wife & 8 children who reside in a i roomed motel upon the open prairie. The business firm had no windows & but few of the comforts & conveniences of life inside: the bare uneven ground was covered with a lilliputian hay.

16th iv mo. Jonathan Wheeler'southward business firm was scantily furnished; round the sides of the business firm several trunks of trees enclosed loose lay, which with cross timber, without bed stocks, formed several sleeping places for the night. A big box was used as a table, two or three chairs, & smaller boxes served for seats, a few open shelves held the crockery ware, and a small closet contained their stock of books. But in the midst of this humble habitation contentment seemed to dwell, and a smile played upon many of the happy faces around us. This family unit have taken upwardly 160 acres of land and seem probable to do well. Nosotros had a coming together with them to satisfaction; many of united states would think their lot a difficult one, just we had cause to believe that the Son of Peace had taken up His home in some of their hearts.


Dined with our young friends A. Henshaw & wife, then had a cold windy ride to Duck creek where we lodged. Adjacent morning the ground was covered with snow, and we had a stormy drive over the open up prairie, 15 miles of our route being through the Sac & Fox Indian reservation where we did not encounter a single house, & only crossed two creeks. Dined at Burlingham [Burlingame?], and lodged at Henry Hyatt's at Twin Mounds, the place taking its name from two oblong natural elevations which are seen from a distance & announced as if they atomic number 82 been cast in a mold. H. Hyatt was one time a fellow member of our society. Here we met with a person named William Denton who is a noted heathen, and the private who attended the coming together which my R. L. had at Bloomington. He removed to this state from Darlington near nine years ago; he was acquainted with the Pease'south family. We could concord with a remark he made; that this country suited persons holding views like to his own better than England.

On leaving the house H. Hyatt refused to take money for our accommodations. Rode to Lawrence next forenoon where nosotros parted from our truly kind friend Benajah Hyatt who has been our driver & faithful companion for nigh three weeks, during which time he has given united states of america much information upon subjects relating to the recent disturbances in Kansas, some of which were of a most tragical nature, being common cold blooded murders & attrocities, such as are seldom heard of in this historic period of the earth amongst civilized nations. We were intending to go along to the Friends Mission by public stage just all the seats were engaged. A note had been sent to the hotel for my R. 50. from 50. N. Wood [Samuel Northward. Woods?], an unabridged stranger to the states, but a descendant of friends, who having heard of our inflow invited u.s. to his firm to remain either a twenty-four hour period, or a month, as suited our convenience; and then we spent the afternoon & lodged in that location, and his wife, a well educated & sensible woman, treated united states of america kindly. L. Northward. Wood is a lawyer by profession & seems to exist in easy circumstances. The family are living in a temporary firm, but a footling snug bed was prepared for us in the loft, the ascent of which was by irregular boards some of which bent every bit we trod upon them. Took leave of our kind friends the following morning and went to the Mission, a distance of 35 miles past public stage. For nearly ii weeks there has been a cloudy atmosphere simply at present the dominicus shines in the clear blue heaven.

Within the last week nosotros have seen abundance of wild plum & gooseberry trees in full blossom. The prairie chickens are like a little speckled pullet, and very numerous, if nosotros come near they take fly & fly a short altitude. The larks build their nests upon the footing, & sing a short sweet plaintive note; merely in other respects are unlike our English birds begetting that proper name. Spent 5th day with our friends at the Mission: the mid-week meeting was an interesting season wherein my dear husband had some service. A friend named James Stanley20 who had but arrived in the state


[territory] along with married woman & iii children chosen in the evening. J. S. is a joiner by merchandise and has come here with the prospects of stationing himself among i of the Indian tribes to instruct them in transmission labor & to endeavour to raise their condition in other respects. The poor Indians have been driven from one identify to another, until some of the Shawnese & other civilized tribes are intending to become citizens of the United States. Some of the natives accept married white persons. In riding along nosotros do non see many Indians & but seldom pass their habitations. They are generally shy & retiring; nosotros saw two squaws in Lawrence, one of whom was clad in a ruby-red, & the other in a yellow dress, & blankets were thrown over their shoulders like a cloak.

This forenoon, the 16th, 4 mo., we arose very early and taking a final leave of our friends at the Mission, were accompanied by C. Harvey who drove us to Kansas City in a carriage. The road was thronged with emigrants who were only entering the country [territory] : some in covered wagons had been camping for the night, and having kindled a fire were preparing breakfast. Others were walking with their bags & bundles. On approaching the river we had the mortification to see the steamboat by which we expected to proceed, start from the shore & sail without us; non knowing when another of that course might exist passing, we went to an inn where I spent some hours in posting up my journal, but being on the tiptoe of expectation we had an uncomfortable 24-hour interval. We retired to rest and got a few hours sleep; and at an early on hour the following morning we heard the steam whistle, & earlier half-dozen a. grand. were on board the "Shooting star." Much rain fell during the night accompanied by thunder & lightning. Our gunkhole is rather pocket-sized but a fast sailer; we have not many fellow passengers. On first mean solar day morning nosotros held our meeting in our motel, rather a dull heavy season to myself; wherein I felt my ain weakness & inability to aid myself. It is not usual for the boats on the Missouri to run thro' the dark nights: but our captain being desirous of reaching Jefferson Urban center, ran until 8 P. One thousand., when nosotros struck upon a sand bank, and even so all the skill & ingenuity which the blow called forth we were not afloat until daylight next morn. Reached Jefferson City near vii A. M. just in time to accept the train to St. Louis where we arrived in six hours.


1. This group of Shawnees had been moved in 1832-1833 from their Ohio reservation to a new location westward and south of Kansas City. For a history of the mission (located in the SW1/four meet. 7, T. 12, R. 25) see Hobbs, Wilson, "The Friends' Establishment in Kansas Territory," in Kansas Historical Collections, 5. 8, pp. 250-271. This article likewise gives information on some of the other early Friends settlements in Kansas.
2. Early on Friends refused to use the names Sunday, Mon, etc., for the days of the week, because the names had been taken from pagan gods. They chosen the days of the calendar week by their numerals: First day, second day, etc. Similarly the months were designated equally First calendar month, second month, third month, etc.
three. Robert Lindsey was born at Gildersome, in Yorkshire, England, in 1801, the son of a woolen cloth manufacturer. He learned the drapery business concern early and began business organisation for himself when about twenty-four years erstwhile. In 1828 he married a Quaker girl, Sarah Crosland, of Bolton, in Lancashire. He was engaged in business and was heard in ministry simply occasionally until 1843 when the family inherited a small fortune. Before long thereafter Robert Lindsey embarked on the start of his many travels, Sarah accompanying him on the concluding one. He died in 1863 and Mrs. Lindsey in 1876.-Travels of Robert and Sarah Lindsey (London, Samuel Harris and Ca., 1886), by Elizabeth Lindsey Galleway, a girl. Although this volume contains biographical data on the Lindseys and extracts from their diaries, it only briefly touches upon Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey's journey through the Usa in 1858 when Kansas was visited.
4. A monthly meeting is the local concern meeting in the organisation of Friends.
five. Friends placed great emphasis upon being "led by the Spirit." When the Spirit "moved" a minister to visit a distant meeting, he expressed this as his "concern" to visit said coming together.
6. Galleway, op. cit., pp. 49, 50.
7. When Friends ministers traveled in other localities they took with them credentials Called "minutes," prepared by their local meetings. 8. Galloway, op. cit., pp. 134-185.
nine. From v. I (1857-'58), pp. 175-200, and v. II, pp. three-nine.
ten. Letter of Benajah Hiatt to Herman Newman, n. d., in possession of Herman Newman, Newtown, Pa.
eleven. Kansas territory was opened for settlement in 1854 under the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska act, signed by Pres. Franklin Pierce, May 30, 1854.
12. In the Minutes of Indiana Yearly Meeting for the year 1856 is recorded this account of the affair:
The 20th of 8th calendar month last [1856], . . a body of armed men, eighteen in number, came to the Establishment, took all the horses and saddles on the premises, and the Superintendent going out, asked them to leave him one of the horses to send to obtain a doctor for his wife, who was lying sick in the house, when the captain of the ring gave utterance to profane and calumniating language, and presenting his gun at him, in that threatening mental attitude told him, this was only a beginning of what he might await for if he did not leave the place.
The Superintendent returning to the firm, the commander told the hired human being, who was present on the occasion, that if he came out again he would shoot him. The day previous a number of the Indian children had been taken away from the school past their parents, who gave every bit a reason, their fear that in that location would be an assault fabricated upon the Institution. These facts, together with the reports of threatened violence toward the inmates, and the destruction of the buildings, induced our Superintendent to come to the decision that the nowadays safe of himself and family, and the Friends employed in that location, required him Present and accordingly on the 23rd of the 8th month last, they all left the Territory for the condom of their homes, returning to their homes in Indiana.
The premises were left in charge of a hired man by the name of John Denny, and his wife, and we learn from belatedly accounts received from him, that no further acts of violence have been committed.
13. Probably the Delaware Baptist mission and school operated past the Rev. John G.Pratt.
14. As early as 1854 treaties with sure Indian tribes permitted Indians under some conditions, and if they so desired, to hold 200 acres of land each. The statement patently does not apply, however, to every Indian then roaming within the boundaries of the territory.
15. William H. Coffin came to Kansas in 1854, settling almost Leavenworth in 1855. An excellent account of his coming to Kansas and the establishment and growth of the Stranger (later called Springdale) settlement is constitute in Kansas Historical Collections, v. Seven, pp. 322-361.
16, This school is described by V. Grand. Stanley, the start teacher, in The Kansas Educator, Hutchinson, February, 1905.
This primitive school house . was built of small oak logs. not hewn, cutting from a grove nearby. The cracks were stopped with divide pieces of timber, commonly called 'chinks' and mortar composed of mud and prairie grass roots. The building plastered in good shape for that solar day. It had ane three-calorie-free and two, two-lite windows, the glass existence 8 x ten inches. The flooring was rough and the roof was equanimous of 3 human foot boards riven out of oak timber, on Stranger river two miles east. The roof was held on by weight poles such as were commonly used in that day. The furniture consisted of seats fabricated of slabs, with no backs, and iv pegs for the legs. Boards were fastened to the wall .near the windows where the pupils did their writing. The instructor's stool was a block sawed from the stop of the log, about eighteen inches in bore, and his desk nothing more than a board, 15 inches wide and 3 feet long, fastened to the wall in one corner.
17. David Mendenhall and his brother, Richard, were the start Friends to settle in the Spring Grove neighborhood.
18. Thomas Stanley was a well-known Quaker missionary to the Indians. Having served three years (1842-1845) at the Shawnee Friends Mission, he moved among the Kaw Indians in 1857 and carried on an independent work amid them until they were moved to Indian territory. Subsequently he was active in the Friends work among the Indians in present Oklahoma.
xix. For an account of the early settlement on Dragoon creek see Stephen Jackson Spear'due south "Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of Dragoon Creek, Wabaunsee County," in Kansas Historical Collections, five. XIII, pp. 345-363. See, also, biographical sketch of Henry Harvey, ibid., p. 348, footnote.
20. James Stanley was a younger brother of Thomas Stanley, and was besides a missionary to the Indians.


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